Thursday, August 14, 2008

Girls 2, Boys 1

Nicholas is beginning to feel out numbered. We just found out that his new cousin is going to be a girl! We're all very excited, but he was secretly wishing for another boy in the family! Good thing his play group is 90% boys!

On another note, our refrigerator died yesterday. Wonderful. Really fun to go to serve yourself ice cream and find it completely melted! The repair man came today...and shocking...he couldn't fix it. We have to call another person who is coming tomorrow, sometime, between 8 and 5. Glad he could narrow it down like that for us. I secretly hope they tell us it is unrepairable so we'll get an allowance to buy a new fridge and I can get one I really want (you know the 2 door fridge on top of the freezer). I know it won't ever work out like that for us though, Murphy's law.

Here's a cute picture of Nicholas just because!

1 comment:

Holly Carter said...

So Cindy's having a girl?! That's great! We need more smart girls in the world.

Sorry about your fridge. Is this a new one? At any rate, you can't live with melted ice cream. That certainly won't do!

I wish we were closer so I could join in on the exercise thing. I'm not looking to run a marathon or anthing, but I could use a little more physical activity. I am in a portable in the back forty this year, so that will help. Stick with it. They say it gets easier. And they usually know what they're talking about.