Friday, September 19, 2008

What's new with Nicholas!

We've had some busy days lately so I haven't had a chance to update. We've been to Gymboree class, Monkey Joe's (inflatables place), Sea World, and well just the park! Nicholas is having a blast getting to do all kinds of climbing and running. I love our Mom's group because it gets us out of the house and active! We are looking forward to a very jam packed week next week also!

Here are a few pictures from these past week. It is hard to get Gymboree pictures because I'm having to be on constant guard that he isn't going to topple off of something! He did do a somersault off of a very thick mat because he hasn't quite mastered stepping down off of things and was too impatient to wait for me to get across to him! Ah, to be the mom of a boy!


Monkey Joe's...

His favorite thing at Monkey Joe's was the $.25 horse!! He liked it even better than the slides!

Sea World...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sea World!!

Since Scott and I went ahead and bought an annual pass to Sea World we figured we'd take advantage of it and head out today to enjoy the park. We started the morning with a pancake breakfast at Chili's. Yes Chili's! They were doing a fund raiser for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It was excellent, we even had to buy Nicholas his own plate because he devoured it (despite having eaten breakfast at home before we left!). Then off we went to Sea World. We enjoyed a rather entertaining pirate show staring a few sea lions, otters and a giant walrus. Followed by a walk through the shark tunnel, Nicholas loved watching the fish swimming all around us. And then his all time favorite event, the splash park!! This kid LOVES water! He was a bit hesitant at first being surrounded by older kids but once he got comfortable there was no stopping him. He was darting all over the area playing with the water and kids. I've never seen him so happy! He didn't want to leave. He'd occassionally wander out of the splash area so I'd say "Nicholas are you all done playing?" Which was always answered with a giant shake of the head no and a run back into the water! Once we finally coerced him out of the splash park we went onto a kiddie ride that scared me more than it did him! I hate heights!! We then moved on to a ride more my speed, the carousel. Nicholas was notably tired so we decided our day was done and home we went. It was a fun day and we can't wait to go back!!

UCF Game

Nicholas attended his 2nd football game!! A UCF game, it doesn't get any better than that!! Despite some rain we had a great time and really enjoyed hanging out with Heather, Don and DJ! UCF won the game!! Go Knights!

Sorry about the fuzzy picture, I think there was rain on my lens.


On Labor Day Nicholas attended his first Gymboree class! He had a blast playing with the other kids and climbing all over the gym. We'll be going to classes there on Mondays during September.