Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our first real injury :(

We've done the scrapes and cuts but today we got our first real blood drawing injury. At our mom's group Halloween party Nicholas fell. Smacked his chin directly down into something. The blood came gushing out and I was terrified that he'd knocked out some of his perfect little teeth. Luckily there is a nurse in the group who swiftly grabbed him up and ran him to the kitchen. We got the blood soaked up pretty well with some paper towels. I was shaking like crazy and apparently white as a ghost! She checked his teeth and said they were all in there still and none were loose. Thank God! He made it through lunch and then we headed home for a long nap. He was better later after a dose of Motrin. And this evening he's been back to his normal goofy self. I can handle all the scrapes, cuts, falls in the world but his teeth and eyes are my biggest things. I am terrified of him hurting them!

On a happier note, here are a few quick pictures I was able to snap of him in his costume. He wouldn't hold the sword or parrot yet so we'll try to get some pictures of him in full costume soon.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Corn Maze! Pumpkins!!

On Sunday we ventured out to the local corn maze. It was a lot of fun and we made it through the giant maze in an hour. We did it with 2 of the families from my mom's group and were lucky that one of them bought the magic glasses to see the maze on paper so he could lead us out in a decent amount of time! We also did a short hay ride, Nicholas loved the tractor pulling us! He had been pointing at the hayride all day so I know he was happy to actually get to do it. We also walked around among the few pumpkins they had and met a scarecrow.

This last picture is from the Fall Festival we went to at the local elementary. It looked like fun for the bigger kids but nothing Nicholas could do. It was nice to see the school though since someday I could be teaching at it and Nicholas could be attending it!

Learning something new everyday!

Nicholas has really mastered sign language now. He has a list of words he can sign and he uses them on his own in the correct manner many times a day! He doesn't have many real spoken words yet but he's really communicating with sign. His list includes...

All Done
Thank You
And his own made up sign for Open

He's also really getting good with knowing his body parts. He can point to eyes, ears, head, nose, mouth, tongue/teeth, feet (stinky feet!), belly/belly button and I do believe he knows hands because when I say we need to wash his hands he holds them out for me. We are working on learning cheeks.

I love this age and seeing all the new things he does everyday!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

He's so smart!

Let me brag a minute about my smart little man. Tonight Nicholas was pulling on my blanket and I kept telling him "that's not your blanket!" Scott then says "That's Not my Dragon" (the name of Nicholas' favorite book). Suddenly Nicholas stops, drops the blanket and runs away. I joked that he'd be so smart if he came back with the book. Well guess what? He did!! He went to his room, found it on the bookshelf and brought it to me to read to him. He's so smart!